LIMSSA General Meeting
Thursday, September 29, 2011 Colquitz Middle School
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by President Cheri Crighton
1. Role Call: Present: Bayside MS(Eric Stoehr), Colquitz MS(Kelly Rimmer),Gordon Head MS (Shawn Edwards), John Stubbs MS (Charlotte Haley), Journey MS (Randy Dunbar), Monterey MS (Karen Evans), Pacific Christian School (Gabe Kremler), Rock Heights MS (Dave Backhause), Royal Oak MS (Angus Stewart),St Andrews MS(Kevin Mennie), St Margarets MS (Deb Secco),Montesorri Selkirk (Brian Empey), Shoreline MS (Megan Peddie),Spencer MS (Cheri Crighton, Mary Frey),Athletic Coordinator = Heather Lederis, Treasurer – Yeta DiLalla (Oak Bay HS)
Regrets: GNS, St Patricks, Arbutus, St Andrews Elementary, North Saanich MS,SMU, Lansdowne, Central, St Josephs
2. Adoption of the Agenda: Moved: Randy Dunbar (Journey), Seconded Deb Secco (St Margarets) Carried .
3. Adoption of Minutes: Minutes from the April 14, 2011 Meeting were distributed to A/D’s or designated school liaisons via e-mail prior to the meeting. Copies were distributed at the meeting.
Motion: To adopt the minutes from the April 14th meeting. Moved: Eric Stoer (Bayside), Seconded Kelly Rimmer (Colquitz) Carried
4. Business Arising:
a) #12: Change the name of this year’s President from Vic Daniels to Cheri Crighton.
b) BCSS – new rule concerning grade 8 eligibility
- we (LIMSSA) agreed to send a letter to BC School Sports explaining the impact of the new rule (re: Gr 8 registration resulting in locking in their choice of senior school) on our association. Call for input into this letter, which will ultimately be written by our Athletic Coordinator and our President. SD superintendents will be consulted before the letter is sent.
- It was further proposed that gr 6-8 Middle Schools consider not taking membership in BCSS, or in any case not registering grade 8s, thus leaving student options open with regards to their choice of senior school . This means that some middle school students will not be able to play up at the High school. There was some question as to whether registering some players at a school, will have an impact on the other student’s eligibility. Heather believes it will, as a BC School Sports member school is technically obligated to register its’ all team members in all sports.
- LIMSSA member schools with grade 9s are another case that needs some clearing up
- Middle Schools ( and Elementary?)need to inform parents of this rule change.
- BCSS needs a copy of a written policy from our school districts ( SD 61, 62 and 63) with clear language regarding inter and intra district transfers from Middle to High Schools.
5. Correspondence:Christ Church Cathedral School (K-8, with 44 students in Middle School) is requesting membership in LIMSSAA. They have 4 rowers in Middle School interested in competing in our league.
Motion: To admit Christ Church Cathedral School to LIMSSAA Moved: Kelly Rimmer (Colquitz), Seconded Deb Secco (St Margarets) Carried (Yeta will contact Christ Church Cathedra School re: cost of membership.)
6. President’s Report: None
7. Athletic Coordinator’s Report:
a) Website: (coaches info, schedules, etc. are more accessible).
b) Basketball: meeting held just prior to this one. Heather will send meeting summary to A/D’s for distribution to coaches. Emphasis on keeping coaches informed re: procedures and policies – since many do not attend the meeting
Motion: To receive the Coordinator’s Report Moved: Karen Evans (Monterey), Seconded Randy Dunbar (Journey) Carried
8. Treasurer’s Report;
- Sport Fee advance Yeta explained the Sport Fee invoices that she distributed to each School, with a request to remit the recommended advance fees ASAP so that bills may be paid as quickly as possible.
- Athletic Coordinator’s office – income comes from per capita charge based on Sept 30 enrolment. Independent Schools are asked to submit enrolment figures to Yeta ASAP .. Public schools in the tri-district area are taken care of.
- Membership fees for LIMSSA – Yeta explained what membership fees are used for, and that SMU has undertaken to complete our audit free of charge. This has contributed to our current surplus.) Motion: To waive LIMSSA Membership fees for the 2011-2012 year. Moved: Yeta DeLilla (Treasurer, Oak Bay) Seconded Deb Secco (St Margarets) Carried
- Year end financial statements from the previous year were reviewed
- Due to increased officiating, the Basketball expenses were larger this year.
- Because of several factors (increased facility rental, equipment rental, photo finish services, ribbon costs to us, and taxes) Track and Field showed a small deficit.
Motion: To receive the Treasurer’s Report Moved: Randy Dunbar (Journey), Seconded Kelly Rimmer (Colquitz) Carried
9. Sport Commission Updates:
a) Grade 7/8 Boys Soccer: nothing to report*
b) Grade 7/8 Girls Soccer: nothing to report*
c) Grade 6/7 Boys Soccer: nothing to report*
d) Grade 6/7 Girls Soccer: nothing to report*
e) Cross Country: everything is good
f) Basketball: Monday Oct 3rd: deadline for declaring a competitive team.Wednesday Oct 12th: deadline for declaring a recreational team. Each school will host one tournament and be prepared to TRAVEL to another.
g) Rowing: 3 or 4 schools competing in the LVISSAA league
*discusssion re Soccer Officiating: ( lack there of)
– Victoria Officials Association is taking the position at the last moment, that our league schedules are unworkable (for them). The request we finish our games by 5:15 which would mean we have to cut our 35 minute games to 25 minutes. The consensus is that we aren’t willing to cut any more time from our games. Heather is working on finding refs, but coaches needto be prepared to find their own refs for the remainder of the season (one week).Heather is to notify tournament hosts of this.
Further discussion to resolve this for the future: current tournament style dates versus single games. This would enable longer games, but would entail a longer season (perhaps impinging on following seasons), and more sites. Consider mini soccer ( 7 a side) This issue needs to be further discussed at the May meeting- and by the seasons of play committee
-Please submit all claim forms for officiating to Commissioners ( one page for each league/ Commissioner)who will then forward them to Yeta . Commissioners: will verify that the game was actually played. $15 / game for Certified refs, $10 / game for no certified ( assuming 35 min games) Yeta will tally all the claim forms and each school in the league will pay an equal share.
Motion: To receive the Sport Commission Updates Moved: Shawn Edwards (Gordon Head), Seconded Karen Evans (Monterey) Carried
10. Committee Reports:
Coaches Appreciation dinner: proposed date is Friday June 15th. If anyone wants a venuedifferent from Uplands, please forward your suggestions.
11. New Business:
a) Next general meeting dates: Tuesday Nov 22 @ 5:45pm (St Margarets Library) and Tuesday March 27th (time/host TBA). AGM date to be announced
12. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn. Moved: Randy Dunbar (Journey), Seconded Deb Secco (St Margarets) Carried .