Jr Basketball Championship History

If you have missing results please report them to jsnell@saanichschools.ca

Jr Boys Jr Girls
Lower Islands Islands Lower Islands Islands
2022-23 SMUS Oak Bay Oak Bay
2021-22 Oak Bay Oak Bay SMUS SMUS
2020-21 No Championships – Covid-19
2019-20 Lambrick Lambrick SMUS SMUS
2018-19 Claremont Claremont PCS PCS
2017-18 Claremont G.P. Vanier Claremont PCS
2016-17 Claremont Royal Bay
2015-16 Belmont Royal Bay Royal Bay
2014-15 SMUS Cowichan Oak Bay Oak Bay
2013-14 Oak Bay Dover Bay SMUS Oak Bay
2012-13 SMUS SMUS Oak Bay Claremont
2011-12 Claremont Claremont Oak Bay
2010-11 SMUS SMUS PCS Oak Bay
2009-10 SMUS SMUS Oak Bay Spectrum
2008-09 Claremont Claremont Stelly’s Stelly’s
2007-08 Oak Bay Oak Bay Oak Bay
2006-07 Oak Bay Oak Bay Oak Bay
2005-06 Oak Bay Claremont/ Lambrick Park Oak Bay
2004-05 Oak Bay Missing
2003-04 Colquitz Colquitz
2002-03 Oak Bay 2nd Oak Bay Claremont Colquitz
2001-02 Oak Bay 4th Lambrick Arbutus Arbutus
2000-01 SMUS 2nd Claremont Arbutus Stelly’s
1999-00 Lambrick Claremont Arbutus Arbutus
1998-99 Stelly’s Stelly’s Claremont Claremont
1997-98 Stelly’s 4th Stelly’s Colquitz Colquitz
1996-97 SMUS SMUS Arbutus Arbutus
1995-96 Oak Bay 4th Oak Bay Arbutus Arbutus
1994-95 Stelly’s 3rd Lambrick Colquitz Arbutus
1993-94 Stelly’s Stelly’s Colquitz Colquitz
1992-93 SMUS 3rd SMUS Colquitz Colquitz
1991-92 Reynolds Carihi Colquitz Colquitz
1990-91 Arbutus Arbutus Arbutus NDSS
1989-90 Spencer Arbutus Dunsmuir Dunsmuir
1988-89 Spencer SMUS Dunsmuir Spencer
1987-88 Parkland Parkland Cedar Hill Cedar Hill
1986-87 Spencer
1985-86 Cedar Hill
1984-85 Arbutus Arbutus Colquitz Colquitz
1983-84 G.P. Vanier
1982-83 Colquitz
1981-82 Robron
1980-81 Colquitz
1979-80 Cedar Hill
1978-79 A.W. Neil
1977-78 Lansdowne
1976-77 Lansdowne
1975-76 Parkland
1974-75 Woodlands
1973-74 missing
1972-73 Lansdowne
1971-72 Lansdowne
1970-71 Lansdowne
1969-70 Stelly’s
1968-69 Campbell River
1967-68 Oak Bay

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