Page Updated April 11, 2022
On this page you will find the most up to date information regarding the return to school sport for LVISSAA and LIMSSA sports. If you have any questions please contact your school athletic director. You can find their contact information on our Contact Us page.
Starting September 2021 school sports will resume under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, the Provincial Health Officer and BC School Sports.
As of April 8th schools may allow 100% capacity at events. Schools with teams who will travel for events should continue to contact hotels, restaurants and host venues to confirm if they still require the use of a vaccine passport.
It is strongly encouraged that all participants (including coaches and officials) wash or santize their hands before and after any school sport activity. Although no longer required, participants should use the maximum space available to reduce crowding and to respect one another’s comfort levels as we transition back to sport as it was prior to the pandemic. Daily health checks are no longer required but all participants should continue to monitor for symptoms and stay home when sick.
Link to BCSS Update on PHO Orders Jan 2, 2022
Link to BCSS RTS Guidelines – Sept 8, 2021
BC School Sports Memo – August 26, 2021
Other Resources: